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Paint Weaver

I am showcasing my work on the Airbrush product from Lethal Shadows, in which I designed the packaging. The client (Lethal Shadows) gave me the size and general Idea they wanted and I used a mixture of photography, illustration, and explanation create packaging that would really get the customer excited about the product. I created assets using a camera, photoshop, and illustrator and then combined it into a print ready design in Illustrator. This is a continuation of my work creating a contiguous brand look for L.S. I hope you enjoy my work!

I designed the front to have huge impact and show the airbrush in a really impactful way.

I designed the front to have huge impact and show the airbrush in a really impactful way.

The paint spray following the curve of the box helps as a graphical element to make the whole design more interesting.

The paint spray following the curve of the box helps as a graphical element to make the whole design more interesting.

The back had to sell the products features so breaking out and using very precise picture and language was hugely important.

The back had to sell the products features so breaking out and using very precise picture and language was hugely important.

close up front

close up front

Close up back

Close up back

Close up Side 1

Close up Side 1

Close up Side two

Close up Side two

entire design

entire design