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Slug Quest

"Restore color to the world by collecting the gods of color - the 6 chromatic slugs."

This was part of Academy of Interactive Entertainments Spring game jam. I got to work with an amazing team making something I have never made before a slug collecting game! Each colored slug unlocks objects of its own color to help the character reach new areas. This whole game was made in a few days and can be found on its itch page of the same title.

The first task was for me and my peer Max to make a whole bunch of slugs. here I show off the slugs I made. We sculpted one original one and then stretched it and sculpted some more to make three total variants. We spent the majority of our game jam on this, but I think it was worth it. My next task and a very important one was to create more environmental assets. I made all of the textures for the ground, first trying to make one large ground texture. However, I had to switch to making tile-able textures so that the game designers can paint it on instead. After that I made platforming trees, tree stumps, and a special rainbow tree that is the win condition. And that’s what there was time for, these pictures sum it up.

As I said I got to work on with a wonderful set of people their roles and responsibilities are as follows:

Game designers :
Jaegar White
Peter Hargarten

Jeff Simon
Ryan Ditlzer

Adeline Nicholson -bats, rats, and animation
Aden Kemp-mushrooms, flower bridge, bridge, and other environment details
Justin Ward-Kizanis - 3 slugs, ground textures, trees
Mac Chadwick -main character, animation, and itch cover art
Max Birkland - 3slugs, rocks and variations, other environment details
Rexy Shaw Steneck - flowers

Slugs Marmoset viewer

Slugs and stump that I worked on

Slugs and stump that I worked on

Overview shot

Overview shot

Tree asset I worked on, I also worked on rainbow tree but don't have access to the file anymore

Tree asset I worked on, I also worked on rainbow tree but don't have access to the file anymore

Screenshot of blue slug in game

Screenshot of blue slug in game

Rock tillable terrain. Made all of these using substance painter

Rock tillable terrain. Made all of these using substance painter

Grass tillable terrain

Grass tillable terrain

Dead grass tillable terrain

Dead grass tillable terrain

Screenshot showing off ground textures I worked on

Screenshot showing off ground textures I worked on

Gameplay screenshot of platforming

Gameplay screenshot of platforming

In game view of trees I worked on

In game view of trees I worked on

Win screen

Win screen